Posted in baraka, creativity, modern quilting, quilting

Process on Banner Block for Modern Quilt Guild

To mark the inauguration of the Victoria Modern Quilt Guild, Robert Kaufman fabrics has generously donated Kona Cottons to Guild members. We’re getting a total of 3/4 of yard in the colours of our Guild logo designed by Berene Campbell of Happy Sew Lucky.

We are working on our banner and the challenge is for each member to create a six-inch block using the fabrics we’ve been given.


IMG_0044These are arranged from light to dark.  I thought had them organized correctly but decided to take a black and white photocopy to double-check.  I was close but had the cactus as the third lightest but in fact it’s really the second lightest.  At first I had the cardinal as darker than the glacier and then changed my mind.

As all we have to produce is one block each, there will be lots of left over fabric.  Hmmm, we may have to have another challenge to do something with those.

So the colours going left to right are:

aqua, cactus, blueberry, cedar, cardinal, glacier, celestial, nightfall

The block I’m thinking about making is a riff on the fish block I’m using for Pirate Girl’s quilt, which is itself a riff on an Ohio Star block.  But this block is twisted and will be made in three colours rather than just two.

Of course as I sit here writing this several other twists and possibilities spring to mind.  I have worked out to make the edges first and audition the centre once the edges are done.  Production would have started this morning but rotary cutters and small kids are not a good combination …


Fibre artist/writer/editor in the Hawaii of Canada, a.k.a Vancouver Island

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