Posted in Art, creativity, International, journaling

Latest Creation

So here’s my take on the Egyptian flag complete with golden eagle.  It’s draped over a throne (actually a camping chair spray painted gold).

To fully appreciate the title

Throne for a Loop

you need to look at the back.  It’s a Moebius strip so only has one edge and one side.

Now I just have to hope that somebody “gets it.”  It’s going into an art show in Sidney and no one but family has seen it as yet.  Feeling nervous.  Doing something three-dimensional is a new departure for me.  I even feel nervous about dropping it off on Monday afternoon, not just the weather and attendant family circumstances that I’m not getting into here, but how it will be received (this is a non juried show, but one of my quilts once didn’t get hung in a non juried show so you never know!)


Further musings on art, authenticity, value will follow — I seem to have hit a motherlode of synchronicity on this topic in reading, viewing, and thinking in the last little while.

Even making this had a LOT of synchronicity.  Actually in Tutenkhamen’s tomb they found a surprisingly modern chair.


So, feel free to share your thoughts!